fredag 26 november 2010

Can you hear the wedding bells?

- Parker, honey, I love you this much! There's something I want to ask you...

Parker: OMG! OMG! OMG!
Erika: I know I will never feel this way about anyone else, ever, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you be my Mr. Simcott?

Parker: So shiney! So sparkly! My... Precioussss...

Yep, Erika proposed, and so they're engaged to be married! It'll probably be a while before the wedding though, they haven't resolved the issue of moving in together yet.

2 kommentarer:

  1. :L You made a blog about Erika... lol!

  2. Yeah, she is so much fun to play. And I thought it could be fun to have a Sims blog, Ive never had one before! Erika inspired me... ;)
